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From Leah Rosenberg
My name is Leah Rosenberg and I live in Israel. I am the daughter of Luba (Nissenbaum) Rosenberg and Jonah Rosenberg. My grandfather David Nissenbaum owned one of the textile factories in Czernowitz before confiscation by the Nazis. I do not know the name, but so I was told by my mother. My mother’s sister, Sala Weinblum and my uncle Shlomo Weinblum was a partner of the original ownership of Trinaco before the war. My family in Czernowitz survived due to employment and their managerial positions in the factory/factories. The other members of my family were Pola and Yosef Lehr, Jacob and Regina and their young child Yitzchak. Sala and Shlomo Weinblum also had a young child Ami who now resides in the US by the name of Abraham Enav and is a member of your Blog.
I am searching for more information to piece together an accurate account of my family’s life during the holocaust and also to share it with the archives at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.

From left to right: Pola Lehr, Regina Nissenbaum, Ami Weinblum (aka Abraham Enav), Sala Weinblum, Luba Rosenberg (My Mother)

My Father, Jonah Rosenberg
Switkes and Tartakower Families of Czernowitz

Czernowitzer Deutsch
Original text by Emanuel Hacken, edited by Ruth Glasberg Gold
Dear Czernowitzians and all List members,
Hardy Breier Z'”l
This photo Hardy sent to me on 5 July 2017 — Hardy and Rachel in better times – both gone now — all too soon.
Cora Schwartz Article
Presentation by Ruth Glasberg Gold
Czernowitz Memorial
Czernowitz and surroundings – Austrian Military map
In the Digital Collections of NY Public Library surfaced this interesting Military map, edited around 1912 by k. u. k. Militärgeographisches Institut, the cartographic branch of Austrias Imperial and Royal army.
Emunah Czernowitz – “Heimkehr” Essays jüdischer Denker
Another of the Jewish fraternities was “Emunah”. On June 3, 1903, the Jewish National Academic Reading Society was “thrown open,” with the club colors gold-violet-gold. “Emunah” was highly active in the field of Zionism – a characteristic for all the Jewish fraternities – and also set up a library open to the public. Furthermore, “Emunahs” intellectual athmosphere culminated in publishing several books. To mention is especially “Heimkehr. Essays jüdischer Denker” with a preface by Leon Kellner. (Homecoming. Essays of Jewish Thinkers). This anthology contains contributions by notable Jewish authors like Balaban Majer, Nathan Birnbaum (who coined the term “Zionism”), Max Rosenfeld, Salomon Schiller and Leon Kellner. It came out 1912 and is now available online via the university library of Frankfurt: