From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 16:47:18 -0500
To: HARDY BREIER <>, Jerome Schatten <>, Czernowitz <>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <>

In answer to Hardy's question "Why was Czernowitz exceptional.."
(in the treatment of it's Jews during the Holocaust).

Antonescu (dictator of Romania in 1941, 1942) was just as much
an Anti-Semite as Hitler or Horthy, but in addition he was
a fanatic Romanian nationalist, and a vainglorious person.
No on was going to tell him what to do with HIS Jews,
he was not going to send them to work camps in Germany or Poland.
Romanian Jews would be sent to work camps in the part of the Ukraine
which had now been given to Romania.

Luckily, for at least some of the Jews of Czernowitz, Popovici,
the mayor of the city, was a decent person. He argued
that the whole city would come to a standstill if all the Jews
were deported. He convinced the governor Calutescu,
that many Jews were needed for the running of the city
and thousands of us eventually received Calutescu permits
to remain in Czernowitz.
Under the new laws of 1941, Jewish properties, factories
and businesses were given to Romanians, who streamed into the city
 from other parts of Romania. The new owners, needed the old
Jewish owners, to run the businesses and factories for them.

In my opinion, the best way to illustrate the fate
of the Jews of Czernowitz, is by exhibiting the laws, statutes
and edicts which were enacted against us and showing
by means of graphs and numbers, what happened to the Jewish population.

There are members of this list, who speak and write Ukrainian,
some of them have an equal and thorough knowledge of Romanian.
Therefore it should be possible to present this information in Ukrainian.

We feel the pain of Jews wherever they are and in each time period,
but including photographs of Polish or German Jews in the concentration
camps erected in those countries, in a slide show about the Jews of
Czernowitz, is not depicting the truth.

Among the prospective viewers, there will be those who will know this.
They will tell the others. The local newspaper may print this information.
The aim DOES NOT justify the means, not just this, but by using the wrong
means, we will not achieve the aim.

"L'omer alle sein gesind" in 2008,


> The Holocaust Chapter.
> All critics objecting that the Czernowitz Holocaust was of a different
> character
> than the one in Poland and Ukraina are pefectly right.
> I should know , I experienced it first hand .
> Why was Czernowitz exceptional in this respect - can somebody explain?
> Looking for pictures from Czernowitz of those black years of 1941-44
> I encountered the memorial stone of the 400 Jews shot at the Prut in
> the first week of the war and I wonder if our fate was so much
> different.
> But different it was , in many ways . Why was it so, why was our
> status
> different ?
> But the Holocaust, in its worst, brutal manifestations will
> always
> be a part of our collective memory.
> No matter if we lived in Czernowitz, Lodz or NY City.
> Having the Holocaust in our presentation is only right.
> As much as tried, I found no photografic evidence of Czernowitz
> Jewish
> life of that period.
> Obviously our people were not in a photografic mood.
> They had more important things to do.
> Hardy
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