Speaking of the accomplished and famous folks of Czernowitz, one
should mention film director and producer, Walter Reisch, from nearby
More info via Google:
Some of his accomplishments include the films Ninotchka (1939), the
Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker (1959) Titanic (1953), and Journey to the
Center of the Earth (1959).
I have extensive documents and manifests connecting his family to
Rohozna and Sadagora, though he was born in Vienna. I still can't
yet connect him directly to my family, but in due time I'll be
preparing a section about him for my family history site,
Best wishes,
>Google is your friend on this one:
>----from Wikipedia-------
>Otto Ludwig Preminger (December 5, 1906 - April 23, 1986) was an
>Austrian actor and twice Oscar-nominated film director.
>Preminger was born in Czernowitz to a well-known family. Preminger's
>father Marc was once the Attorney General of the Austro-Hungarian
>Empire. As their father, both Otto and his brother, Ingo Preminger,
>earned law degrees in Vienna.
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