[Cz-L] Book of our memoirs, documents, photographs, etc

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 10:38:22 -0400
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

Dear Czernowitzers,

To follow up on the idea of publishing a book which would contain our
and our relatives' memoirs, stories, essays, letters, documents and

I wrote to Joyce Field who is the Jewish Gen, VP, Data Acquisition
and asked for her advice.

In my letter I wrote:

> Many of us former Czernowitzers as well as some of the descendants
> of Czernowitzers, have memories and opinions about life there,
> which we should put in writing so they are preserved for future
> generations. Some of us also have photographs, official documents
> And letters written by Jewish Czernowitzers or to them.
> The book I have in mind would consist of all this material,
> arranged either according to source, or according to topic.
> It might have to be a multilingual book, since both documents as well
> as the memoirs of the various individuals, may be written in either;
> German, Yiddish, Hebrew, English or French.

Joyce advised me as follows:

>> there might not be too many publishers other than Avotaynu who would
>> undertake to publish a book in the traditional way. what you might
>> consider is 1) doing an online version at the Yizkor Book site and
>> then later, if there seems to be a market, 2) JG would publish it on
>> demand. The determining factor would be the number of people signed
>> up on the JGFF who would be the likely audience.

She further wrote:

> We would love to have you do this book as an online presentation first. The
> book for Lipkany, Moldova, for example, was done as an online book on JG after
> a small private publication for family only,
> http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/lipkany/lipkany.html, and was then translated
> into Russian and German, which are at
> http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/lipkany/lipr001.html and
> http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/lipkany/lipG01.html.
> Also see http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Charlotte/Charlotte.html,
> http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/schindler/schindler.html
> http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/belzec1/belzec1.html (this is now being edited
> for JewishGen's publish-on-demand hardcover edition)
> publish on the Yizkor Book page first and then we can see
> if there is enough interest for a publish-on-demand hardcover version.
> There are 1055 registered entries for Chernivtsi in the JGFF,
> which indicates to me that there could be considerable demand
> for such a book. A lot depends, of course, on the quality
> of the presentation.

It is my intention to follow the advice of Joyce Field and also look
into the possibility of having this book published by a regular publisher,
possibly a publisher specializing in books on Jewish topics, such as
"Schoken" and "Jewish Encounters".

If any of you have ideas as to other publishers who may be interested,
please let me know. Since one of my sons, is an editor for a publishing
company, I will also get his advice.

But before I proceed any further, I need to know how many Czernowitzers
are interested in submitting material to be published in such a book.
Some of you indicated your interest after my first letter on this subject,
but I think that for this book to be effective we need at least 20 people
to participate in it's composition.

Would all of you who are interested in submitting material to be published,
please write me and let me know what kind of material you would include,
approximately how many pages it would consist of and what languages it would
be in.

Also let me know whether the idea of publishing an online version at the
Yizkor Book site first in the hope that it would then be published as a
hard-cover edition, is acceptable to you.

For ease of sorting my e-mail, please write: "Czernowitz book" on the
subject line of your e-mail.

Best regards,

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