[Cz-L] Sidi Thal

From: Steinig <rsteinig_at_suffolk.lib.ny.us>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 14:11:21 -0400 (EDT)
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Steinig <rsteinig_at_suffolk.lib.ny.us>

Marcel Spiegler <marcelruth_at_comcast.net> wrote...

> Sidi Thal famous actress in the Jewish theatre in the thirties spent
> the war years in Siberia, returned to Czernowitz after the war. She
> died I believe in the seventies and is buried in Czernowitz.
> Her picture and bio is displayed in the Jewish museum, top floor in
> the former Kultusgemeinde.
> Also displayed are Celan and Josef Schmidt the singer.
> Sidi Thal is closely related to a member of Czernowitz-L,I forgot the name.

Marcel, you may mean me. Sidi Thal (originally Sara
Birkenthal) was married to my mother's brother, Pinchas
Falik, who was also well known in Czernowitz, as
an administrator of the Philharmonic. They were in
Kishinev and then Tashkent during the war; I don't know
about Siberia. Sidi died in 1983, Pinu in 1985. They are
not buried in the Jewish cemetery. Their very impressive
graves are in the artists' section of the new city
cemetery. Gaby Weissmann helped my husband and me find
the graves during the Czernowitz2006 reunion.

Sidi is also memorialized by a street named for her, by
a bronze plaque in the square outside the Jewish
community house, and by a sculpture on the outside wall
of a nearby building (the Philharmonic?). I'm
embarrassed: it's less than two years since our visit
and I've forgotten details. I'm even more embarrassed
to admit to my youthful skepticism years ago, when my
mother spoke of her sister-in-law, the "famous actress"
in Czernowitz. Now I regret not joining my mother when
she returned to Czernowitz in 1978 to visit her family.

Asya Vaisman's wonderful paper, "Sidi Tal and Yiddish
Culture in Czernowitz in the 1940s-1980s," appears on
the Czernowitz web site (http://czernowitz.ehpes.com).
Click "Stories, Histories and Trip Reports" on the home
page, then scroll down to item 23. I thought there were
also photos of Sidi on Jerome's site, but now I can't
find them.


Renee Stern Steinig
Dix Hills (Long Island), New York, USA
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