Hi Mimi!
When we returned from Mogilev and stayed at my g.father's place the
whall place was full with little houses in he ownership of jews but
taken away by the soviets. Asher Turtel
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-1902855-3499311_at_list.cornell.edu
[mailto:bounce-1902855-3499311_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Miriam
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 5:11 PM
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History
Subject: [Cz-L] Answer from Dr. Bursuk to my question about the old
Dear Czernowitzers,
I have received two letters regarding the old Jewish gravestones.
One letter is from Dr. Bursuk directly. It is in Yiddish
and I have trouble reading his handwriting. I translated part of it
and this is it:
I found the photographs on the internet.
I want to allay your fears. Since your visit last year to Czernowitz,
nothing has changed. Nobody has destroyed anything. The photographs show
how the "Turkische Gasse" is being renovated. During the reconstruction,
some of the steps were taken apart. These were indeed gravestones from
a Jewish graveyard. The steps were built in 1945-46. The stones were
from an old cemetery, which was near the textile(?) factory near the
This old cemetery was established more than 800 years ago. For more than
years, buildings were built there. I do not know where they took the
gravestones (Matzeves) in 1945. Now too, I do not know where they took
I have asked for help in reading and translating the rest of the letter.
As soon as I have it, I will send it on.
The other letter is from Hesed Shushana and says more or less the same
in English. I have made some corrections to the grammar.
The gravestones which were found at restoration of the bridge on Turkish
Street were used more then 50 years. These plaques are from a cemetery,
which was in area of the station. These burial places are from the
17-18th centuries.
This cemetery does not exist more than 150 years. On the place of this
cemetery more than 100 years stand homes and plant.
Now the gravestones have been taken away by town services.
Their destinies are not known to us. A more complete answer we can not
There are no cases of vandalism in the Jewish cemetery are.
I do not know whether we can ask Dr. Bursuk to look into this further.
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