[Cz-L] New on the website - June 13, 2007

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 21:20:52 -0700
To: czernowitz-L <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>

Greetings Czernowitzers!

1. Marc Goldberger has sent along a revised and updated Czernowitz Street
Name Translator. This edition, the third, has the Russian street names
complete. Check it out by clicking on the (you guessed it) 'Czernowitz
Street Name Translator' from the menu.

2. Marc also has submitted 10 more family photos in the 'Help
Identify/Find' section. Interesting pictures in their own right, take a

3. Again from Marc... This time in the 'Pre 1945 Photographs' -> the album
of 'Photos from List Members' section: ten new group photos -- always fun
to look at -- you might even recognize someone. One of these new school
photos now graces the home page.

4. Ruti Sharvit has added many new Czernowitz photos to her album. Go to
'List Members' Pages' and Click on Ruti's name, then select her photo

5. Also from Ruti, a gallery of her artwork. Ruti has exhibited
professionally in Israel and in Europe. A selection of over 30 paintings
awaits. As above, but select 'Artwork'.

6. The 'Temple' album is now available from the menu on the home page and
some new pictures have been added.

7. The FamilyFinder has been updated as have been the 'Archives'.

9. Asya Vaisman's paper and Militta Seiler's interview are now in the
'Stories, Histories...' section rather than on the home page.

If you have photographs you wish to contribute to the site (or anything
else for that matter), there's plenty of space, so don't be bashful!

Finally for those new to the list, the website is at
Send comments, suggestions and material to me, Jerome Schatten:



Received on 2007-06-14 04:20:52

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