[Cz-L] Elite school

From: berti <berti_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 19:29:17 +0200
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: berti <berti_at_netvision.net.il>

What a nice surprise to see the inside of the courtyard including the window
I sat next too in 1936/7 first grade and 1938/9 third grade.

Sorry, missed the foto by one year started only in 1936.

As to the teachers: There is Prof Vihneanu our school director and diriginte
in 4th grade, and the handsome Stefaniuc, teacher in 2nd grade. My mother
said he tried to flirt with her whenever he had the occasion.The old lady
(probably some15 years younger than me now) was our French teacher - we sang
and danced under her auspices sur le pont, dAvignon, l'on y dance, on y
dance. The lady in black probably Fraeulein Deutsch - that was really her
name and she taught German - easy for her German and Jewish pupils, but
difficult for the few Rumanians in class. The other two ladies must have
been the teachers to 1st and 3rd grade, Mrs Tomiuc my first grade teacher
was a newcomer to the school in 1936. The gentleman on the left probably
taught Jewish religion and the little Hebrew we learned. The one on the
right (if the insignia in his button hole turns out to be of the strajeri
movement) must have been responsible for the scouts of the school.

Last time I took a photo of the entrance, the building housed a private firm
- facade well kept - looked quite nice, but could not go inside.

Thanks for this reminder,

Berti Glaubach, Haifa.
Received on 2007-01-09 12:08:32

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