Please find enclosed the program of an International Workshop to be held in
Jerusalem, Israel. If you are interested to attend the meeting, please let
me know (the registration dosn't cost anything). Just send a e-mail with
your name, the number of persons and the days (the reception on the last day
is only for the speakers)
Yours sincerely,
Florence Heymann
International Workshop
Transnistria: Vanished Landscapes of History and Memory
May 20-21, 2007
Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem
3 Shimshon Street
Baka, Jerusalem
Academic Organizers
Florence Heymann, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Centre de
recherche français de Jérusalem
Raphael Vago, Department of History, Tel Aviv University
Leon Volovici, Vidal Sassoon Center for the Study of Antisemitism, Hebrew
University of Jerusalem
With the support of
Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah
Institut français, Ambassade de France en Israël
Center for Research on Romanian Jewry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Institute for Diaspora Resarch, Tel Aviv University
Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Pierre de Miroschedji, Director of the CRFJ
Florence Heymann, CRFJ
10:00-12:30 (with break)
First Session:
Holocaust in Transnistria and Historiography
Chair: David Bankier, Yad Vashem
Raphael Vago, Tel Aviv University
The Dark Hole in Holocaust Historiography: The Holocaust in Transnistria and
Western Historiography
Jean Ancel, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem
The Tragedy of the Roma and the Tragedy of the Jews: Resemblance and
Dalia Ofer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ghettos in Transnistria and in Nazi-Ocuupied Poland: A Comparative Approach
12:30-14:00: lunch
14:00-18:00 (with break)
Second Session:
Politics and the Language of Persecutions
Chair: Dan Michman, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem
Dennis Deletant, London School of Slavonic and East European Studies, London
Transnistria: The Romanian Solution to the Jewish Problem
Leon Volovici, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Rhetorics of Antonescu’s Government
Carol Iancu, Montpellier University, Montpellier
Observations sur l'aide apportée aux déportés juifs en Transnistrie
Ronit Fisher, Haifa
Ethnic, Racial Purity and Gender: The Fate of Apostates and Spouses of Mixed
Marriages in Transnistria
Third Session:
Romania, Roma People and the Shoah
Chair: Jean Ancel
Tatiana Sârbu, Republic of Moldova, PhD Student Bucarest University
The Policy “Roma Villages” of Ion Antonescu’s Government: The Roma People
from Bessarabia (1942-1944)
Luminita Mihai Cioaba, President of the Social-Cultural Foundation of Roma
“Ion Cioaba”, Bucarest
Presentation and Screening of the Documentary Movie “Roma Tears”, 52mn
Free evening
Monday, May 21, 2007
9:00-12:30 (with break)
Fourth Session:
Anthropological Approaches
Chair: Andrei Corbea Hoisie, Romanian Ambassador to Austria
Diana Dumitru, State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga”, Chisinau, Moldova
A Survivors’ Perspective: The Attitude of the Non-Jewish Population of
Transnistria Towards the Jews During the Holocaust
Sarah Rosen, PhD Student Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Jewish Family in Ghetto Shargorod: A Case Study
Florence Heymann, CRFJ, Jerusalem
“Bottles in the Sea”: Letters of Deported Jews in Moghilev
Marianne Hirsch, Columbia University
Transnistria's “Geschichtslosigkeit”: A Return Journey (2006)
12:30-14:00: Lunch
Fifth Session:
Interdisciplinary Approaches
Chair: Dalia Ofer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Leo Spitzer, Columbia University
“What makes you think we are interested in keeping you alive?”: The
Vapniarka Camp
Mihail Ionescu, Elie Wiesel Institute, Bucarest
The Daily Life of the Deported Jews to Transnistria in the Memoir Literature
Andrei Corbea-Hoisie, University of Iasi
La poésie lyrique en langue allemande sur la Transnistrie
Sixth Session:
Justice and the Post-War Romania
Chair: Mihail Ionescu, Elie Wiesel Institute, Bucarest
Alexandru Florian, Elie Wiesel Institute, Bucarest
La Shoah comme sujet législatif : le cas roumain
Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine, Paris
Editing Matatias Carp's Black Book in nowadays France
Petru Weber, Berlin
Pursuing Justice in the Post-War Romania: The Criminals from Transnistria on
Chair: Leon Volovici, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Concluding Remarks
Aharon Appelfeld, writer, Jerusalem
Childhood in Transnistria
20:00 Reception
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