Re: [Cz-L] New Temple Pictures...

From: frieda tabak <>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 05:51:09 -0700 (PDT)
To: jerome schatten <>
Reply-to: frieda tabak <>

Dear Jerome,

I shall be glad to share my memories with you, although they are
rather dim.

I was born in Lipcani, Bessarabia, in December 1931. My uncle,Dr
Salo Koffler, who was a gynecologist lived in Czernowitz and we
visited him quite often for shopping, or just to spend time in
the big city. (By the way, we ended up spending the war years,
1940-1945, with my uncle after being disposessed by the Soviets
in 1940). In the late 1930's we would occasionally spend the
High Holidays with my aunt and uncle; and that was when we
attended the Temple.
Yes, the balcony is pictured as I remember it and it was
reserved strictly for women. On High Holidays it was crowded. I
guess, children just naturally went with their mothers who
dressed to the nines. Clothes were custom made by the finest
tailors of the finest imported fabrics.

I am sure there were many poor people ,who, probably, attended
other shuls; but our lives were quite comfortale, and for the
people who attended Temple "elegance" was very important.

I wish I remembered more; but, as the years go by, memories
begin to fade.

Have a Happy Shavuot,

--- jerome schatten <> wrote:

> Frieda... can you tell us more? How did things look to you on
> the
> inside? What year would this be? Was it mostly women and
> children in the
> balcony? How were people dressed? Was it crowded? It would be
> nice if
> you felt like sharing some of those memories!
> My grandfather, who was married in Czernowitz in 1901 and
> lived there
> until 1906 went to the temple but only on the high holey
> days... Same
> when he landed in NYC. I'm trying to re-create in my mind what
> it must
> have been like. I'm sure many other second and third
> generation
> Czernowitzers would benefit from your recollections too!
> Best,
> jerome
> On Mon, 2007-05-14 at 18:25 -0700, frieda tabak wrote:
> > Dear Jerome,
> > Thank you for the Temple pictures. They sure brought back
> > memories. I remember sitting in that balcony with my mother.
> > Thanks'
> > Frieda
Received on 2007-05-15 12:51:09

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