Re: [Cz-L] New Temple Pictures...

From: berti <>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 22:58:18 -0400
Reply-to: berti <>

  Hi Jerome,

I have nothing to contribute about the inside of the temple, my
education was anti religious and visits for prayer completely out of
order. But I passed by it nearly every day and had a good friend
living across the street on Franzensgasse 2, also Fred Andermann on
the Karolinengasse .

Whom I clearly remember from the late 30th was an ambulant book
vendor who was sitting mostly in front of the temple on the low
concrete or stone wall separating it from Karolinengasse. His books
were exposed on the this fence and he was talking non stop or singing
to attract mostly young customers like myself. Probably successfully
according to personal experience. He must have been Ucrainian or
Polish, his German was even less than Czernowitzerisch but fluent and
poetic - I remember this chef d'oevre:

Will Ich heisse Suppe kochen,
Doch Ich habe keine Knochen.
Das Feuer will nicht brennen
Wie soll ich kochen koennen?

Again there is some commerce going on in front of the building, but
there were no books sold when we met last year there.

Berti Glaubach
-------Original Message-------

From: <>jerome schatten
Date: 05/15/07 13:44:28
To: <>frieda tabak
Cc: <>czernowitz-l list
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] New Temple Pictures...

Frieda... can you tell us more? How did things look to you on the
inside? What year would this be? Was it mostly women and children in the
balcony? How were people dressed? Was it crowded? It would be nice if
you felt like sharing some of those memories!

My grandfather, who was married in Czernowitz in 1901 and lived there
until 1906 went to the temple but only on the high holey days... Same
when he landed in NYC. I'm trying to re-create in my mind what it must
have been like. I'm sure many other second and third generation
Czernowitzers would benefit from your recollections too!


On Mon, 2007-05-14 at 18:25 -0700, frieda tabak wrote:
> Dear Jerome,
> Thank you for the Temple pictures. They sure brought back
> memories. I remember sitting in that balcony with my mother.
> Thanks'
> Frieda
> --- jerome schatten <> wrote:
> > Czernowitzers...
> >
> > As you probably know that there are very few pictures of the
> > inside of
> > the Temple at Czernowitz before it's destruction. Well, David
> > Glynn
> > found some on the Gruss aus Czernowitz Live Journal website. I
> > have
> > posted these on the home page of our website, an album of
> > seven
> > pictures, three of which are indeed of the interior. Although
> > not of
> > high quality, David and I thought it still quite a find.
> >
> > I will leave these on the home page (
> > )
> > for a week and then move the album to the 'Pre 1945 Photo'
> > section.
> >
> > Best,
> > jerome
> >
Received on 2007-05-21 02:58:18

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