At this point I would like to mention that I was
a very frequent visitor of the Toynbee Halle in
First of all just because its location was just
around the corner from the house in which I grew
up (Landhausgasse/Tuerkengasse) and secondly
because something was always happening there. I
will try to remember some of the activities:
1) My father played the mandoline in an orchestra
of mandolins only, and their rehearsals as well
as their performances were held there. As a young
child I always accompanied him for rehearsals in
the evenings.
2) Performances, dance recitals, meetings of all kinds were held there.
3) Some music teachers gave lessons there, I
remember that my friend Martha went there for her
violin lessons. I often joined her and suffered
in silence scratchy violin exercises, which
slowly became nice violin playing.
4) I really don't know the reason for this, but
having missed out on schooling during the
Rumanian/ Nazi occupation, we were allowed to
have some exams there, meant for the teachers to
evaluate and establish our degree of knowledge or
rather lack of it.
I clearly remember my math exam with the blank
page in front of me. Math and science were my
downfall always.
Making the whole thing so much more difficult was
the math teacher, a professor Schwarz who was so
utterly charming and whom I was trying to
impress him with zero success!
The Toynbeehalle was a nice-looking building - in
baroque style - I am not sure. In any case it
played an important role in our day to day
Greetings to all my fellow Czernowitzers,
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Toynbee Hall
> Peter R. Elbau wrote:
>> From Gold, Volume 2:
>> Im Jahre 1912 wurde vom Ehepaar Markus und Anna Kisslinger die
>> gegründet. Aus eigenen Mitteln errichteten die Stifter in der
>> Türkengasse ein imposantes Gebäude mit einem grossen Saale und vielen
>> Nebenräumen. Das Programm des Toynbeehallen-Vereines sieht die
>> Aufklärung und Bildung der jüdischen Volkes vor. Zu diesem Zweck
>> wurden, gewöhnlich in den Wintermonaten, sog. Toynbee-Nachmittage
>> veranstaltet, an welchen wissenschaftliche Vorträge gehalten und auch
>> Theatervorstellungen gegeben wurden.
>> Im Jahre 1913/14 wurde auch im Gebäude ein
>> errichtet, in welchem 10 Lehrlinge Aufnahme fanden und vom Vereine
>> erhalten wurden. Nach dem I. Weltkriege wurde das Heim im Jahre 1920
>> aufgelöst.
>> Best regards,
>> Peter Elbau
Received on 2007-05-29 12:33:33
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