Bruce asked about this link
This thread is entitled "Svitlini from the book of Kayndlya. The Jewish
cemetery in the vicinity of vul. Odeskoi." Further down the thread the
Steile Gasse is referred to.
I have no idea what the book of Kayndlya is (or what svitlini are)!
However, vul Odeskoi is the Kaliczankaergasse. This street is adjacent to
the Steile Gasse, they are located in the "Yiddische Gasse" area of Cz,
north of the Synagogen Gasse.
This is consistent with Asher's memory. The Gerbergasse is a turning off
the Steilegasse.
If this cemetery was destroyed by the Russians, the stones might have been
used to build or repair the Turkish steps.
It would be shocking of the stones which have been discovered are not
Best regards to all,
Received on 2007-09-25 00:51:54
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