[Cz-L] The old Jewish graveyard of Czernowitz

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 20:26:10 -0400
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

Dear All,

Looking through various Czernowitz and Bukowina related web-sites,
I found on a website named "Bukowina" an article from 1936 named
"Verwandeltes Czernowitz" ( changed Czernowitz).

Part of this article read:

> Czernowitz, Ende Juni 1936
> Es ist nicht etwa die Rede davon, da die Slums von Czernowitz demoliert
> werden. Dieses Elendsviertel zwischen Springbrunnenplatz und dem Bahngele=
> auf dem tglich die internationalen Schlaf- und Speisewagen von Wien, Ber=
> und Warschau nach Bukarest rollen, umschliet allerdings auch den vierhun=
> Jahre alten jdischen Friedhof mit seinen von interessanter Volkskunst
> zeugenden Denkmlern und die altehrwrdige Synagoge und ist
> kulturgeschichtlich ungemein bemerkenswert.

According to this article, the old Jewish cemetery was 400 years old in 193=
and was located near the old synagogue, strange as this seems. Apparently
the whole area north of the Synagogengasse (Strada Wilson) was being
demolished. If you look at the 1941 map, #43 is the synagogue and #77 is th=
Jewish hospital. The writer of the article further says that:

This area also contains the 400 year old Jewish graveyard, with it's
interesting folk-art gravestones and the venerable synagogue and is
tremendously remarkable from a history of culture point of view.

Does anyone know, was the old Jewish cemetery indeed demolished by the
Romanian authorities in 1936? Or was it demolished later by the Russians?

By the way, so far I have heard neither from Rabbi Glisenstein
nor Dr. Bursuk.

Received on 2007-09-27 00:26:10

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