Dear Marianne,
How I envy you on the conference and for going to Czernowitz.
When they speak on Traian Popovici it it worthwhile mentioning
that no street in the town carries his name and his memory is
wiped out.
If you could find out the position of the City Council as to pointing
out the contribution of the Jews in the forthcoming jubilee it would
help us very much.
Have a nice visit
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marianne Hirsch" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 3:38 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] Conference in Chernivtsi, Oct 8
> Dear friends, I'm writing to let you know that Florence Heymann, Leo
> Spitzer and I will be in Chernivtsi next week for the conference described
> below. We will check on the various concerns of our group. Unfortunately,
> the trip is very short due to our teaching obligations, so we will not
> have a free weekday to attempt to meet with city officials, but as you can
> see below, we will have a chance to talk to members of the university and
> the Jewish community about the character of the 600 anniversary
> celebrations and the renovations taking place in the Jewish Quarter. We'll
> take photos and upload them as well. If you have specific suggestions of
> what we can do on a weekend, please send them along.
> All best, Marianne Hirsch
> International conference
> United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
> Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
> "Elie Wiesel" National Institute for Holocaust Research in Romania
> The Fate of the Jews in Bukovina and Transnistria 1940-1944
> 8 October 2007
> Chernivtsi, Ukraine
> Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
> The main purpose of the conference is to focus on the fate of the Jews in
> Bukovina and Transnistria as well as the life of Jews who remained in the
> Czernowitz (Cernauiti) ghetto during the war, the relationship between the
> local populations, including local Jews and Romanian Jews in Transnistria,
> and the impact of the Holocaust on Romanian and Ukrainian Jews.
> Subjects for the panel presentations:
> Jewish life before the Holocaust in Bukovina
> The history of the Romanian Holocaust and its documentary sources
> The 1940 retreat of the Romanian Army from Bukovina
> The role of the Romanian authorities in the persecution of Jews in
> Bukovina and Transnistria
> The History of the Czernowitz (Cernauti) ghetto, daily life and
> deportations to Transnistria
> Daily life in the ghettos of Transnistria
> The literature of the Romanian Holocaust
> The memory of the Holocaust in Bukovina
> Greetings:
> Michael, Krays, Head of the Jewish Community of Chernivtsi
> Paul Shapiro, Director, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, USHMM
> PANEL 1: Jews of Bukovina on the eve of the Holocaust.
> Moderator: Vadim Altskan, USHMM
> 1. Florence Heymann (Israel)-Jewish Life in Bukovina before the Holocaust.
> 2. Alexandru Florian (Romania)- 1940 Retreat of the Romanian Army from
> Northern Bukovina.
> 3. Marianne Hirsch , Leo Spitzer (USA)-- Czernowitz Jews in 1941: Life
> under the Soviet occupation and Jewish flight into the Soviet Union.
> PANEL 2: Romanian occupation and ghettoization of the Jewish population of
> Bukovina
> Moderator: Mikhail Tyaglyy, Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies
> 4. Radu Ioanid (USA) - The Romanian Holocaust- a general overview.
> 5. Vladimir Solonari ( USA) - The treatment of the Bukovinian Jews by the
> Soviet and Romanian administrations, 1940-1944.
> 6. Oleg Surovtsev ( Ukraine) - The life of the Jews of Czernowitz,
> 1941-1944.
> 7. Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine (France): Czernowitz's Mayor Traian
> Popovici and his role in the rescue of the Bukovinian Jews.
> PANEL 3: Deportations to Transnistria. The Holocaust in the German
> language poetry of Bukovina
> Moderator: Anatoliy Podolskiy, , Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies
> 8. Tamara Marusik (Ukraine)-Deportations of Jews from Bukovina.
> 9. Diana Dumitru (Moldova) - The attitude of the local population from
> Transnistria toward the Romanian Jews.
> 10. Petro Rykhlo (Ukraine)-The Holocaust in the German language poetry of
> Bukovina
> 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm lunch
> Round table, Q&A
> 7: 00 pm Reception, location TBA
Received on 2007-09-29 04:40:16
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