Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
This is a very good idea.
Should they not be able to set up a revolving presentation,
They could set up a photographic exhibit, using the material
on the website. You Jerome, as the master of the website,
should write Maita Prout, or Mr. Kisinich, OR BOTH and suggest this.
A high quality photographic exhibit with appropriate captions,
could also serve as the first exhibit of a museum in the "Tempel"
devoted to the Czernowitz Jewish history and heritage.
You may remember that this was suggested a long time ago by Charles Rosner.
Happy Channukah,
> Czernowitzers...
> On our website are literally thousands of photos and postcards from
> before 1945 which depict in many different ways, life in Jewish
> Czernowitz.
> Suppose someone were to make a continuously revolving power point
> presentation out of these materials. And suppose this was played on a
> large plasma or lcd display in the temple during the festivities.
> Would this not be an appropriate response for materials on our part?
> There is so much material instantly available that I would bet it
> would take hours and hours for a repeat if the presentation were in a
> continuous loop.
> It would be a labour of love, of course, but I'm sure someone would
> rise to the occasion.
> To get a feel of what I'm talking about, Hardy Brierer has made a
> small power point presentation about the town of Podhajce which I've
> posted on the Podhajce JewishGen website. If you get a chance, take a
> look at:
> http://shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/podhajce/breierpps/hardypps.html
> and imagine thousands of our pictures and documents being presented
> this
> way on a large screen with sound.
> Just an idea....
> Best,
> jerome
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