Re: [Cz-L] An Idea for 600th Anniversary Presentation

Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2007 15:21:42 +0200
To: Miriam Taylor <>, Jerome Schatten <>, Czernowitz <>

Dear Mimi,
   I have re-read Maita Prout's letter but fail to find the relevant
hope-evoking caption.
  Could you please quote us this relevant portion of letter so we all can
share your
    optimism .
       Until now the good ladies from Czernowitz have not responded to our
----- <>
> In response to Hardy's letter:
> I prefer to be optimistic; at least while there is a chance
> to get something done; If in reading Ms. Maida Prout's letter,
> we substitute the word "Tempel", for the word synagogue, we can see
> the reason for my optimism.
> Even if the exhibit is to be in a different location, it is still an
> opportunity to have photographs, documents and letters which bear witness
> to Czernowitz Jewish history and heritage displayed publicly.
> Mimi
 - snip -
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