Dear Friends -
Below is an email from Marco Katz, reprinted here with his
permission. This email establishes the legitimacy of the online
Petition discussed on the list last week. I urge you all to sign
this petition:
Mr. Katz sent two pdf files with his original email and I'll be glad
to forward them to you on request - total is under 2 Megabytes.
Bruce Reisch
>From: "MCA Romania - The Center for Monitoring and Combating
>AntiSemitism in Romania" <>
>To: "'Bruce Reisch'" <>, <>,
> <>
>Cc: <>, <>
>Subject: RE: MCA Romania - Petition - Marshall Ion Antonescu -
>attempts to exonerate him of crimes against the peace -
>Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 06:39:29 +0200
>Dear Mr. Reisch
>Thank you. Yes, please, do forward my message to Czernowitz-L group.
>Marco M KATZ
>MCA Romania - The Center for Monitoring and Combating AntiSemitism in Romania
>Law Office Enache and Enache Str Cristian Popisteanu 2-4,
>Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
>email: fax: +40 (21) 5696173
>intended only for use of the addressee. If you are not the addressee
>or the person responsible for delivering it to the person addressed,
>you may not copy or deliver this to anyone else. If you received
>this e-mail by mistake, please do not make any use of it nor
>disclose content to anyone. Thank you for notifying us.
>From: Bruce Reisch []
>Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 12:37 AM
>To: MCA Romania - The Center for Monitoring and Combating
>AntiSemitism in Romania;;
>Subject: Re: MCA Romania - Petition - Marshall Ion Antonescu -
>attempts to exonerate him of crimes against the peace -
>Dear Mr. Katz: Thank you so much for the clarification of the
>situation regarding MCA Romania and the activities in Romania to
>exonerate Antonescu. I appreciate the time you have taken to
>clarify the situation for me. Can I have your permission to forward
>your email (below) to members of the Czernowitz-L group
>(, many of whom I am sure would be willing to
>sign the Petition.
>Bruce Reisch
>Geneva, New York
>(list owner for Czernowitz-L)
>At 17:58 +0200 12/16/07, "MCA Romania - The Center for Monitoring
>and Combating AntiSem wrote:
>Dear Ruth
>I am rushing to respond to the message sent to Gabrielle Conea
>regarding the petition. I will try to respond to the concerns
>expressed in your message:
>1) MCA (Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism ) Romania is an
>NGO, officially and legally registered in Romania since 2002.
>Although the organization is affiliated to ADL, MCA is totally
>(financially, administratively and operatively) independent. As MCA
>does not promote any cause and as it is not into PR business, MCA
>operates at a very low profile and it reacts only in extreme
>situations: MCA monitors mainly the manner in which the Romanian
>authorities are reacting to the anti-Semitism in Romania and is
>very active in bringing the various local Jewish organizations to
>work together and in a synchronized manner for properly and
>efficiently combating the anti-Semitism in this country. As the MCA
>funds are coming directly from our own pockets (in order to reduce
>our exposure MCA does not even have an bank account) we stopped
>running our two sites:
><> and
><> This is why we cannot be
>found on the web. However MCA is well known by the Romanian
>authorities, the same as it well known by ADL, SWC Israel and OSCE.
>Attached here you will find a short presentation of MCA.
>2) Ion Antonescu - I understand why it is difficult, for
>non-Romanians, to accept that someone in Romania might make an
>attempt to rehabilitate an war criminal and that such an attempt
>might be successful: the simple fact is that Ion Antonescu is
>regarded in Romania as an national hero who fought the communists
>and who, out of his love for his country, did as best as he could in
>order to keep the Russians out of this land. In 1946 Ion Antonescu
>and his group of officials were declared, all together, in one court
>decision, war criminals. In December 2006 the Court of Appeal
>cleared one of this group members, the former Governor of
>Transnistria, of crimes committed against the peace. Clearing one
>member of the group implies clearing all the others members of the
>group, including Ion Antonescu. The General Prosecutor of Romania
>appealed against this decision. This is why , few days ago, the
>decision was debated by the High Court of Justice. As it seems that
>the appeal filed by Romania is formal and taking into consideration
>the ongoing ( since 1989)efforts to rehabilitate Ion Antonescu and
>his group, we felt that there is a real need to mobilize the
>international community against the possibility that this
>rehabilitation will become a reality if the things remain quiet and
>decisions are taken in courts of justice highly influenced by
>politics and strong nationalistic opinions. In order to better
>emphasize our position in this case I am attaching here the letter
>we addressed to the President of the Romanian High Court of Justice
>including the press release issued by the Federation of the Jewish
>Communities in Romania in this case.
>Hopping that my above summary will respond to your questions ,
>please do not hesitate to contact me if more information is required.
>Marco Maximillian KATZ
>MCA Romania - The Center for Monitoring and Combating AntiSemitism in Romania
>Law Office Enache and Enache Str Cristian Popisteanu 2-4,
>Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
>email: fax: +40 (21) 5696173
>Original Message -----
>From: "Bruce Reisch"
>Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 10:57 PM
>Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Exoneration of war criminals; Cz. Cemetery
>> Hi Abraham:
>&g t; That's the problem precisely. The only source for this
>information is the
>> web site. This site hosts petitions for anyone from
>> around the world. Anyone can create a petition, legitimate or not, and
>> place it on this web site. According to the web site you and Gabriele
>> have supplied, the petition regarding Antonescu was created by The Center
>> for Monitoring and Combating Antisemitism in Romania with only an email
>> address: . There is no mailing address or web site
>> for his organization. How do we know the organization is legitimate, and
>> if it is, how do we know that is who placed the petition online? One web
>> site tells us that this Center uses and
>> . The former site seems to no longer
> > exist, and the latter site says nothing I can find about the possible
>> exoneration of this war crim inal.
>> So, I'm still looking for another source to corroborate what the petition
>> is saying. I tend to be highly suspicious of email "Forwards" and their
>> sources.
>> All the best,
> > Bruce
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