Re: [Cz-L] "Wir sind verloren"

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 17:35:36 -0500
Reply-To: Miriam Taylor <>

Not so!
After Stalingrad the Jews of Czernowitz knew that the fighting
had turned in their favor. My father and uncle had a short-wave radio
which was assembled about once a week, in order to listen to the BBC.
They knew that the Russians had won at Stalingrad, long before
it was announced on Romanian Radio.
So pleased was my father, that the next day, he said to his Romanian
This is the beginning of the end for Germany and Romania; Stalingrad
has fallen.
His boss would not believe him. But a week later he said to my father:
Cum s'a poate, deunde ai stiut? Jidani, Jidani totdeauna stie tot."
(How can it be? How did you know? Jews, Jews always know everything.)
And then, trains with injured German soldiers were passing through
on their way back from the front.

On Dec 30, 2012, at 12:23 PM, HARDY BREIER wrote:

> The daily IPA plenary was gathering at Grinberg's on first floor.
> IPA was the Jewish Gossip Agency - the only reliable source for
> topics.
> The year was 1943 and the Russians were launching the big counter
> offensives after Stalingrad.
> Grinberg said : " Now they are going to encircle Kursk !"
> Ginsburg asked : "Who will encircle Kursk ?"
> Grinberg:" The Russians will , but Rundstedt has all the
> information..
> " Who is Rundstedt?"
> " You dont know General Rundstedt of the 3- rd Army Zentrum ?
> He has 1000 tanks on stand-by just for this ."
> " He will counterattack from the East while the Russians
> expect him
> from the North."
> Azoy" said Ginzburg and "what will we do?"
> " We are lost "
> "What about the Americans ?"
> " The Americans are in Africa - they fight Rommel !"
> " But Montgomery is fighting Rommel.
> " Who is Montgomery ?"
> " The French general who defeated the Wehrmacht at
> Dunkirk !"
> After this remark there was a silence
> Grinberg concluded:
> "Wir sind verloren "
> All agreed and went home.
> Hardy

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