It was a some sort of a bitter sweet relief to find out that Dr Elias
Weinstein genuinely tried to help this forsaken group of people.
In 1945 my grandfather, Max Kraft, a modest businessmen and a landowner, was
still alive. However, in 1946 he succumbed to the hardship and inhuman
conditions in one of the Inta-Vorkuta GULAG camps.
His untimely death (aged 39) cast a heavy shadow over the lives of his
(also deported) wife and children who miraculously survived their 8 years
of Siberian ordeal. Moreover, the "alleged"deportation has irreparably
influenced the lives of his 3 grandchildren, all of whom were born in
Chernovtzi years after the war.
Only few people from the thousands deported in 1941 returned to Czernowitz
to tell their sad stories. That's where the words "alleged deportation" came
from: the witnesses were silenced forever.
Serah Kraft-Greenberg
Sydney, Australia
----- Original Message -----
From: "Edgar Hauster" <>
To: "Czernowitz Discussion Group" <>
Cc: <>; "Galia Weisman" <>;
"Ioana Rostos" <>; "Irene Fishler"
<>; "Yochanan Ron" <>
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 5:22 AM
Subject: [Cz-L] The Elias Weinstein Petition
It was our fellow member Peter Elbau, who drew my attention to an
outstanding document from October 1945, which Peter purchased by auction.
The Government of Palestine was rejecting a petition adressed by Dr. Elias
Weinstein, the former editor of the Czernowitzer Morgenblatt AND the
co-founder of "Die Stimme",
"on the subject of alleged deportation to Siberia by the Soviet authorities
of inhabitants of the Bukovina"
and both, Peter and I stumbeled over the term "alleged" in 1945, four years
after the deportation took place?! It's quite clear, that this stirred up
our curiosity and - thanks to Peter's research and Irene's hint - I
succeeded to obtain "The Elias Weinstein Petition" by special courtesy of
Galia Weisman from the Israel State Archives.
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