Re: [Cz-L] Elias Weinstein, Eyewitness of the Holocaust

From: <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2013 15:45:27 -0500
To: <>, <>
Reply-To: <>

[Plain text next time, eh? Thanks ]

Dear Edgar, Jerome, Bruce and everyone else involved in bringing
this important historic document before the perpetrators as well as
the rest of the world.
      With this type of evidence, how can anyone deny
that this atrocious and inhumane treatment did occur.=20
Thank you for all you are doing.

Iris June Steinhauser Vinegar
In a message dated 1/13/2013 2:57:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, =20 writes:


Just three small remarks in addition to my own posting earlier today:

1. "Die Stimme" is wrong concerning the Czernowitz Ghetto; it started not=
on 11.10.1940, but on 12.10.1941.

2. "Die Stimme" is wrong - as Peter discovered - concerning Elias=20
Weinstein's place of birth; it's not Sereth, but Kamenka.

3. Beside the report on Elias Weinstein's aliyah, the Jewish Telegraphic=
Agency reports (April 24, 1944) in the same context on the aliyah of two=
prominent rabbis, the Munkaczer Rebbe and "our" Bukovinian Wisznitzer Rebb=

Warmest wishes to all of you and thank you so much for your mails and=20
comments, which are all so meaningful!

Edgar Hauster=20
Lent - The Netherlands

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