Re: [Cz-L] If we didnt go

From: yosi-jerry <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 09:10:30 +0200
To: Miriam Taylor <>, alexander rosner <>
Reply-To: yosi-jerry <>

 Maybe I misunderstood Alexander Rosner's letter because it wasn't in plain
text, and anyway according to the Jewish tradition there is a saying "You
shouldn't judge your friend till you reach his place". Therefore I am not
referring to the reasons why some of our people stayed after 1946. I just
want to state unequivocally that the soviet regime was a totalitarian,
corrupt, and... anti-semitic regime. Another fact - which I know from
personal experience - is that if somebody really wanted to leave there were
 Yosef Eshet, Raanana, Israel

----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
To: "alexander rosner" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] If we didnt go

> Dear Alexander.
> I did not mean to insult those Jewish Czernowitzers who remained in
> Czernowitz after 1946.
> And I am sorry that I did not express myself more clearly.
> I do not blame those Czernowitzers who stayed on.
> I know that mostly, they had very good reasons for doing so.
> When I wrote that most of us, would not be alive now, if we had stayed in
> Czernowitz,
> it is because the practice of medicine and the availability of
> medications
> was not as good in the Soviet Union as in Israel, the US and western
> Europe.
> Nor was life in general easy or pleasant.
> True, there was no collectivization in the sense of people belonging to a
> Kolchoz,
> but the whole country was run as a mismanaged collective under the rule
> of gangsters.
> When I wrote that we would have become fossilized Czernowitzers, I meant,
> that
> had we continued to uphold our customs, way of life and ideas, we would
> have been
> completely outside the mainstream of life as it was lived in the soviet
> Union
> and would have had no sense of belonging or being at home.
> Our children, had they grown up under a Soviet regime, would have had a
> very hard time,
> trying to be independent and Jewish.
> Mimi
> On Jan 16, 2013, at 6:12 AM, alexander rosner wrote:
> On Jan 16, 2013, at 6:21 AM, alexander rosner wrote:
>> Mimi,=0A=A0=0A=A0=0A=A0=0A=A0=0Aa not small number of people stayed,
>> didn't=
>> die, didn't become Homo Muscoven,=0Athe vast majority didn't become
>> Homo t=
>> otalitarian, while some used tools like party=0Amembership to acheave
>> goals=
>> (whch other people didn't like at all). =0AMost returned from Siberia
>> afte=
>> r the war, very few went to Siberia at that time.=0AThere was no
>> colectiviz=
>> ation in Czernowith itself, as in most cities.=0AHumiliation and
>> deprivatio=
>> n - yes, it was - and when it was possible peaple left.=0AIf we or our
>> pare=
>> nts became fossilized homo Czernowitz I can't judge - we still
>> thought=0Ato=
>> be Czernowitzers and have had lots of Czernowitzer
>> friends.=0A=A0=0AAlex=
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