RE: [Cz-L] Lists

From: Edgar Hauster <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 19:55:33 +0100
To: <>, Merle Kastner <>, Cornel Fleming <>
Reply-To: Edgar Hauster <>


Thank you so much for your vivid report, which is illustrating - word by word & attempt by attempt - the experience which I made myself during my 2010 journey to Moghilev-Podolski. Nothing changed since then, but however I believe you'll agree, that the (Jewish) mood is still there and I'm looking forward to returning to Moghilev-Podolski - perhaps in autumn?!

Thank you once again and have an amazing week!

Edgar Hauster
Lent - The Netherlands

> From:
> To:;
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Lists
> Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 15:54:28 +0200
> I don't want to go into the whole issue of Druker and Yad Vashem but can
> only add this information:
> I visited Mogilev less than 6 months ago, searching for the graves of my
> very close family.
> In preparation for the trip I was in touch with all of our list members who
> seem to have had an input or experience.
> It was clear that there was a list of people burried in the transnistria
> cemetery (as opposed to the genral cemetery of the Jewish community) but we
> only had pieces of this list, with some geographical/relative description of
> the location. I found, with the help of some of you, several of the names
> mentioned, but didn't find many other - and am not sure that a list actually
> exists that describes the "other ones" which were burried in another section
> (accross the road). Now having been there I can tell that it was impossible
> to work with the "maps" because the stones are standing so sparsly.
> However, at some point, which I have a reason to assume was at least a
> couple dozen years ago, somebody marked the existing stones with numbers in
> some kind of sequence (admit not most logical). The trick was now to get the
> list of buried by the number marked on the stone, To my happiness, this list
> exists in the safe of the local Jewish community in the museum in Mogilev.
> Iwas allowed to take a look, copy, but not photograph or scan the long list.
> I found many familiar names (numbered) but when I went back to the supposed
> locations, they were empty (they must have been there when the numbering
> took place), and the numbered list did not contain those names that I was
> missing all along, i.e. from another side of the cemetery. I tried to
> convince the head of the community toallow me to scan the list ( I brought a
> scanner with me) but he refused thinking that he has a gold laying egg at
> hand, and didn't care at all about the future of this list after the city
> elderly Jews disappear. Very disappointing. and there is nobody else to ask.
> I have again taken many pictures, as others did before me , which were now
> uploaded in our site, as well as pictures of the local Jewish museum
> including the maps of the camp.
> I hoped to be able to annotate everything and give much more of a background
> but am currently so busy and never got around to doing so (also for many
> other cities in the greater Bukovina which I documented). In March I am
> going on a Sabbatical to LA for a year and maybe will find the time to do
> the documentaion.
> In any case Jerome has put up the first batch of pictures our site and you
> are welcome to view (city, market, museum, synagogue and cemetery.
> Gadi

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