As far as I have been told,the Ukraine does not have a Restitution
Law....and under the current regime is not likely to get one. Cornel
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Charles Polak
Sent: 22 January 2013 14:45
To: Ilana Gordon (;
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Should Jews live in Czernowitz?
Ilana: I don't know!
I've been to Ukraine only once, for 10 days in Kiev, to install computers=
. I really liked the Ukrainian journalists and engineers I got to know ther=
e, and the people I met seemed to be rather like the Czechs were 20 years a=
go, anxious to get democracy established and become a just and open society=
; one very good thing I noticed was that people of the type I met considere=
d antisemitism a shameful relic of the past.
Assuming that Ukraine has a full-scale law of restitution =96 maybe it does=
not, but I=92d think there=92s a good chance that it does =96 you=92d have=
to present your legal evidence to a local court. However, the Tymoshenko c=
ase makes me fear that the judiciary is not very independent, and growth of=
the Svoboda (=91Freedom=92) party, very like Jobbik in Hungary, exactly in=
the West of Ukraine, makes me fear that if a case came to court involving =
a claim by Jews for recovery of property in Chernivtsy in use by generation=
s of non-Jewish Ukrainians, there wouldn=92t be a very good chance of its b=
eing decided in the Jews=92 favour.
Maybe this is pessimistic. You=92d have to talk to an international lawyer =
with experience of Ukrainian legislation and legal procedure, or indeed a U=
krainian lawyer =96 I=92m writing about something I really don=92t know eno=
ugh about. However, I couldn=92t agree more with you and anyone else who wa=
nts to make the attempt at recovery of what should still be theirs. If enou=
gh people make it, perhaps a wider movement towards such recovery or restit=
ution will gain the advantage of =91momentum=92.
Charles Polak
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