Re: [Cz-L] Should Jews live in Czernowitz?

From: yosi-jerry <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 21:59:17 +0200
To: Sylvie Gsell <>, cornel fleming <>, Charles Polak <>, Ilana Gordon <>, <>
Reply-To: yosi-jerry <>

There is restitution in Romania only it's a bit twisted. I know about two
cases. One, in Alba Iulia. A family that left in the mid sixties of the
previous century to Israel, and who owned, before WW2, 14 apartment
buildings in the city and another 400 acres near the city, received back
after a long struggle, only the empty lot where one of the houses once
stood. Ownership was awarded them only after they built a high fence around
the field, pledged to keep it clean and paid the taxes required. The same
story repeated itself in Roman. Only this time it was a single totally run
down house. I would like to make an additional comment. The Czech Republic
ruled over most of its today's teritory before WW2, which isn't the case
with the teritory of northern Bukowina which changed three times hands.
Yosef Eshet

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sylvie Gsell" <>
To: "cornel fleming" <>; "Charles Polak"
<>; "Ilana Gordon" <>;
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Should Jews live in Czernowitz?

> It's the same problem with Romania : ten years ago, I was beginning to
> ask for restitution of my grandfather's house in Radautz with a lawyer
> : no success at this time.
> Romania is in Europe, I am in Europe...
> I will do another trial to prove that I am the grand daughter of Rubin
> Reicher but which result ??
> Sylvie Reicher Gsell
> 172 rue Legendre
> 75017 Paris
> France
> 00 33 1 77 12 38 05
> 00 33 6 09 98 52 70

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