Resilience is commonly seen as an innate ability to bounce back or rebound
from adversity and a process of adapting to hardship through growth (Walsh
2002:130; Fredriksen-Goldsen 2007:56, Rishardson 2002).
Serah Greenberg (Kraft)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 1:24 AM
Subject: [Cz-L] Resilience
> All who speak of resilience do not really understand the term :
> It means power of resistance, elasticity, adaptability.
> On all the above we behaved miserably.
> We simply ran away.
> With the first possible occasion.
> Call this resilience if you wish.
> To make it sound heroic.
> Resilience ?
> Hardy
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