I do not call our leaving Czernowitz resilience,
nor do I call it retreat. Not we, but our parents,
did what was sensible and possible at the time.
Their resilience consisted of holding on to life
in the worst of circumstances and building a new life
in Israel or the US, Canada, France or south America.
I do not judge those who stayed in Czernowitz, undoubtedly,
they had good reasons for doing so.
What I object to is the assertion that the Russian
or Bessarabian Jews who moved to Czernowitz after the war
were more resilient than our parents and grandparents.
> Dont get me wrong - we did the right thing.
> But calling our retreat as resilience ?
> Comparing our behaviour towards the Soviets
> as heroism ?
> Our ignominous get away ?
> Almost all who stayed were not allowed to leave.
> Some stayed for other reasons.
> Maybe here resilience applies .
> Maybe not.
> Ghey weiss.
> Hardy
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