Re: [Cz-L] Answer from Yad Vashem

From: Sylvie Gsell <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 22:36:42 +0100
To: <>
Reply-To: Sylvie Gsell <>

[Plain Text next time please --thanks]

Dear Mimi,
My cousin Dr Gaby Lichtenberg died some years ago, so I can't answer for
About Jacob Drucker's list, I have no details , only the newspaper's
I will meet his daughter in Israel and she will decide if she will contact
Yad Vashem.

Sylvie Reicher Gsell
172 rue Legendre
75017 Paris
00 33 1 77 12 38 05
00 33 6 09 98 52 70

2013/1/28 <>

> Some days ago, I wrote to Yad Vashem, asking for general information
> about materials accepted by this institution.
> Today I received an answer.
> I copy here what I wrote:
> I belong to an Email group of former Czernowitzers
> and their descendants called the Czernowitz-List.
> It has come to this group's knowledge that eyewitness reports
> written by victims of the Transnistria deportations from Czernowitz/
> Cernauti/Chernivtsi, which are now in the possession
> of the descendants of the victims, have been offered to Yad VaShem,
> but that Yad Vashem has refused to accept these reports.
> I refer to reports by Jakob Drucker and Dr. Gaby Lichtenberg.
> Could you please tell me what the criteria for accepting eyewitness
> reports to the museum's collection are?
> The answer I received is:
> Shalom Ms. Miriam Taylor,
> We cannot answer your question since we do not have enough information.
> Who sent us the testimonies/reports?
> Where were they taken?
> When were they sent to Yad Vashem?
> Who in Yad Vashem replied?
> Sincerely,
> Leah Teichthal
> Dir. Ref. & Info. Svces
> Please those of you who can help me to answer the questions
> I received from Yad Vashem, send me the information and I will send it
> to Yad Vashem.
> Mimi

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