Re: [Cz-L] More of the same

From: fred love <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 15:47:16 -0800
Reply-To: fred love <>
To: "" <>, "" <>

How true, how true. If one has to look only at the layout of the city
there would be no doubt at its cultural prowess & strength.
Its vibrancy still  echoes through the contribution of this list.
To day its like the Scala a shell, no audience, no participants.
Fred. Weisinger

----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 29 January 2013 9:04 AM
Subject: More of the same

[Plain text next time please --thanks]

Why Jews from other parts of the Soviet Union came to Cz?  Beacause  there
were no "Komunalkas" (Mietskasernen), because like Lviv (Lemberg) some 
remnants of a different way of life was still there.
And why there is no common ground between former Czernowitzer and  those
that spent their formative years under the Soviets. We grew up with Lehar 
and Kalman and not Dunayevski. Every kid in Cz (during the thirties) read
Erich  Kaestner (Emil und die Detektive etc to say nothing of Karl May), we knew
of of Hans Moser, Paul Hoerbiger, Theo Lingen etc, and not of Liubov 
Orlova. Two different worlds. At least that's my personal view of this (endless 
?) discussion. 
                                Gerhard Schreiber

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