" but it has been instrumentalized for several unsophisticated statements,
which, frankly speaking, I didn't expect within our group."
Within our group you can expect anything, anything at all.
This what makes our discussion so originally alive.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Edgar Hauster" <bconcept_at_hotmail.com>
To: "Greg Fedner" <gfedner_at_gmail.com>
Cc: "Czernowitz Discussion Group" <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>; "Hardy Breier"
<hardy3_at_bezeqint.net>; "Jerome Schatten" <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 7:56 AM
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Resilience
Dear Greg,
Oy wey, really sorry for confusion, caused by my still very limited English
language skills. To make it very clear: None of the generalizations, which I
criticized - and still do - was yours. Quite to the contrary, your analysis
is brilliant and most enlightening, but it has been instrumentalized for
several unsophisticated statements, which, frankly speaking, I didn't expect
within our group.
By "European consolidation and understanding" I meant as follows: Perhaps
not yet the majority, but there are people and NGO's in Ukraine, who take a
stand for freedom and democracy and who firmly oppose anti-Semitism. I met
some of them during my journeys to Ukraine and I know, that those people
would be very discouraged and affected by some of the generalizations, which
I criticized earlier. Now I'm 55 years old and I'd like to live to see
Ukraine's adhesion to the European Union, so we'll be able to cross the
border from Poland to Ukraine as you do it from Ohio to Indiana or I do it
from Germany to the Netherlands, whithout bribing corrupt customs officers.
Once again, dear Greg, sorry for confusion and please accept my apologies
as - post-final - "final statement" to this thread!
Edgar Hauster
Lent - The Netherlands
> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 22:13:47 -0500
> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Resilience
> From: gfedner_at_gmail.com
> To: bconcept_at_hotmail.com
> CC: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu; hardy3_at_bezeqint.net; romers_at_shaw.ca
> Dear Edgar,
> Thanks a lot for your warm welcome and kind words. Just want to set
> the record straight - some of the statements seemingly attributed to
> me in your message are not mine at all. What I said about
> antisemitism in Ukraine, or, more accurately, in Czernowitz of the
> 1960s-80s is not assumptions, generalizations, hearsay or insinuations
> - it is strictly based on my personal experience. I am not putting
> blame for WWII crimes on the present Ukrainian population of
> Czernowitz; I am also not saying that all Ukrainians are antisemites.
> However, antisemitism in Czernowitz of my time was not a rare
> phenomenon to say the least, and was noticeably more widespread and
> more virulent than, say, in Moscow (another place where I spent
> considerable time during my college years).
> Not sure what you mean by "European consolidation and understanding"
> and the priority they get... Can definitely tell you, though, that
> antisemitism in Columbus, Ohio, while probably lurking somewhere
> underground, cannot be compared to that of Czernowitz of my youth, or
> even Moscow.
> Again, did not mean to offend anyone, or step on anyone's toes. Just
> thought to share my personal experiences and feelings.
> Looking forward to reading more of your great posts, enjoy them
> thoroughly.
> Greetings from Ohio, Greg Fedner.
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Greg...
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