Dear all,
I'm not sure if this book was already recommended here. But today I received a copy of Simon Geissbuehler's new book about the genocide on Jews in the first days of Romanian and German occupation of northern Bukovina and of Bessarabia. A first look into the book proves that it not only consists of well researched facts but also raises ethical questions. Geissbuehler says "commemoration is also a matter of justice". This impetus makes a difference to other scientific works. I can only share his opinion and recommend the book to all German speaking readers. Hopefully there will be once a translation into other languages.
Blutiger Juli. Rumäniens Vernichtungskrieg und der vergessene Massenmord an den Juden 1941
Simon Geissbühler
229 pages
Publisher: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh GmbH
ISBN-10: 3506776754
ISBN-13: 978-3506776754
The book is available through many online stores and for sure in your bookshop.
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