There is one more quality you forgot to mention. It's conservatism or
sticking to the old good ways. You called it "being stubborn" but it's more
than that.
I totally forgot about it but now it's all coming back to me; it's like
coming home. It's like trying to prove something to my grandmother or to my
father, let their souls rest in peace.
As for insulting, calling names-totally disagree. Czernowitzers of my
childhood and youth were reserved Europeans with an occasional show of a wry
sense of humour. One of my relatives used to say (at a dinner table) that he
rather "see people eat than hear them eat". He meant his Bassarabian-born
wife and her numerous relatives.
The argument who is a "real Czernowitzer" is as old as Czernowitz itself.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
To: "wolfgangs" <wolfgangs_at_comcast.net>
Cc: "'Czernowitz Genealogy and History'" <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: RE [Cz-L] cora's remarks on the comments on bruce's comments
> Since I am a "real Czernowitzer", I hope that those who disagree with me,
> will forgive me for what I will write next.
> Czernowitzers loved to argue and if they were related,or close friends,
> while they argued they would insult each other. "Du Idiot", "Oich a
> chuchem"
> would just fly through the air.
> Every Czernowitzer was an "oiber chuchem" (top intelligent used
> sarcastically.)
> We were snobs, opinionated, querulous, stubborn and sharp tongued.
> It was our constant pleasure "choizig zu machen" (poke fun) at people,
> governments and situations.
> Maybe this is due to the Yiddish language. Maybe in a city, in which
> simple folks
> attempted to become educated and modern, it was inevitable.
> Whatever the cause, it made for lively conversation.
> Thank you Wolfi, for recognizing the unique qualities of Czernowitzers.
> Mimi
> On Feb 11, 2013, at 2:16 PM, wolfgangs wrote:
>> Cora,
>> The not-so-nice comments about Bruce's experience need to be taken in
>> the
>> context of the strange, unique, and special character of the various
>> writers: they are all CZERNOWITZERS. This is a special edition of
>> humanity
>> which the CZ LIST has helped me to better understand. My departed
>> parents
>> were CZ'ers and I see list-member conversations that remind me of them.
>> Not
>> being a real CZ'er, this is very helpful in understanding real CZ'ers.
>> Wolf
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