RE: [Cz-L] deutsch

From: cornel fleming <>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 22:38:22 -0800
To: "'Miriam Taylor'" <>, "'Berti Glaubach'" <>
Reply-To: cornel fleming <>

Yiddish started out as medieval German...and when the Jews moved east they
took it with them and added words from Hebrew and the local languages. So
Judendeutsch is not a derogatory term,it is simply the German for Yiddish.
Some years ago I knew a university professor who was studying Yiddish to try
and understand middle-ages German pronunciations. Cornel

-----Original Message-----
From: Miriam Taylor []
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 1:06 PM
To: Berti Glaubach
Cc: cornel fleming;
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] deutsch


Many, many thanks.
As time allows I will translate this booklet into English.
But I warn all of you, this was written by a "real Austrian";
as we used to say in Czernowitz: "ein Wiener Trottel"
(a Viennese idiot)
he does not have much respect for us Bukowiner,
or to be correct, for our grandparents who were around in 1901.
This is the thanks we get for being "treue Untertanen"?
(loyal subjects)
Shame on him, calling Yiddish "Judendeutsch".
That is what it was called already in Germany in the 17th century.

How about declaring our independence and calling Bukowiner German,


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