[Cz-L] Fw: Tracing family

From: <marshaspell_at_comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2013 07:42:43 +0000
Reply-To: marshaspell_at_comcast.net
To: Czernowitz-L_at_list.cornell.edu

My grandma's family comes from Chernowitz. She emigrated to america with her sister, and a brother, and changed the name to Brooks. We are a close family mostly in touch with family members of all three lines of Brooks family. However we know that they left behind a family that included other siblings and their parents. Many years ago, my aunt tried to track down and see what happened to the rest of the family. The original name was "Broxmeyer or Brochsmeier" or any such similar name. I have tried tracking down family with any related name, and can't find anything.

Can any of you experienced Chernovitzers on this list help me out? I am new to this listserve.

Thanks, Marsha Spellman. Portland, or

------Original Message------
To: l_at_list.cornell.edu
Subject: Tracing family
Sent: Feb 16, 2013 3:54 PM

My grandma's family comes from Chernowitz. She emigrated to america with her sister, and a brother, and changed the name to Brooks. We are a close family mostly in touch with family members of all three lines of Brooks family. However we know that they left behind a family that included other siblings and their parents. Many years ago, my aunt tried to track down and see what happened to the rest of the family. The original name was "Broxmeyer or Brochsmeier" or any such similar name. I have tried tracking down family with any related name, and can't find anything.

Can any of you experienced Chernovitzers on this list help me out? I am new to this listserve.

Thanks, Marsha Spellman. Portland, or

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