In order to demonstrate, that "The Czernowitz Mythos Persisits", I've released a post at our Blog
bringing to you the front covers and the book reviews for four new books:
• Simon Geissbühler: Blutiger Juli - Rumäniens Vernichtungskrieg und der vergessene Massenmord an den Juden 1941
• Ion Lihaciu: Czernowitz 1848-1918 - Das kulturelle Leben einer Provinzmetropole
• Andrei Corbea-Hoisie, Ion Lihaciu, Markus Winkler: Prolegomene la un dictionar al presei de limba germana din Bucovina istorica (1848-1940)
• Markus Winkler: Presselandschaft in der Bukowina und den Nachbarregionen - Akteure, Inhalte, Ereignisse (1900-1945)
All authors are internationally accepted scientists, prominent and outstanding researchers and - last but not least - jointly co-responsible that "The Czernowitz Mythos Persists", which is still fascinating all of us.
Read, read, read!
Edgar Hauster • MacBook
Lent • The Netherlands
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