Re: [Cz-L] Bricha

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 11:05:29 -0500
To: cornel fleming <>
Reply-To: Miriam Taylor <>

The term "bricha" was not used to describe the flight from Europe
during WW2, even though it would have been sensible to do so.
Rather, this term was used to describe the clandestine immigration
of Jewish refugees into Palestine right after the war.

 From the American Holocaust Museum:
"Bricha"was the organized illegal immigration movement of Jews
from Eastern Europe across the occupied zones and into Israel.
Perhaps the largest organized clandestine population transfer in
Bricha (Hebrew for "escape"), is astounding both in the organization
that directed the flow and in the mass movement itself.
The aim was to reach the coasts, where clandestine ships arranged
by the Aliyah Bet organization could transfer the DPs to Palestine.
Founded by Abba Kovner and other surviving partisans of Vilna,
Bricha began operations in July 1945.
Soldiers from the Jewish Brigade and the underground Jewish army
in Palestine assumed administration of the program and funds
were provided by the JDC.
Between August 1945 and the end of June 1946, Bricha figures
showed that 48,106 refugees had left Poland in this way.
In total, an unknown number of Jews reached Palestine via Bricha,
but the estimate ranges from 80,000 to 250,000.
The Illegal immigration of European Jews during the years 1934 - 1944
was called "Ha'apala".

Anyone interested in reading more about this topic, I highly recommend
that you read an article published by the Holocaust Museum, under
the title "Refugees" accessible at:

I know definitely that my uncle, Yehoshua Steinmetz, who in 1943 was
taken from Czernowitz for "Munca" (forced labor) in southern Romania,
with the help of my parents who bribed some officials, was able
to escape and managed to get to Palestine during the winter of 1943 -
on a voyage arranged by the Jewish agency.
I do not remember the name of the ship on which he travelled,
If any of you know, I would be grateful to receive the information.


On Feb 26, 2013, at 8:26 AM, cornel fleming wrote:

> Hi all! The discussion re the Bricha (means escape), and knowing
> that my
> uncle Erich Neuberger was deeply involved ,got me to look it up on
> Wikipedia.Says there that some Polish guys decided that there was
> no future
> there(late 44 early 45).They formed a "guild" to cover their
> activities...and sent a group to Czernowitz to seek out escape
> routes!!! So
> now I know...Czernowitzers were involved,as uasual!!!! Cornel
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