Hi Mimi,
I am not blaming the USA Department, for what was done, or not done in 1941,
before they entered the war.. I am blaming the Jewish Organisations. Without
flattering you and Christian, and many others, there were not such people in
USA, like you, who would be the initiators for a rescue action, to make
collections and to send emissary to the German Nazi authorities....If you
are looking for, you will find, perhaps,an old Czernowitz proverb...
Somebody on the list wrote that the Zionists Organisation in Palestine had
money, yes and they did a lot...Read the book "Villa Lugano" by Inge
Ginsburg, she, , a hidden Jewish girl from Vienna, was passed clandestinely
to Switzerland and worked in the Villa Lugano, where was transferred money
from Palestine to German SS, for rescue the children transport to
and in Romania during the Antonescu regime, under the eyes of the Nazi, were
transferred through Italian, German, Romanian officers big sums, clothes,
collected by Fildermann and Jewish communities and sent to the camps in
Frey, a German journalist,non Jewish, who visited the camps in 1941, went
from Switzerland to USA, had an interview with Pres.Roosevelt and told him
about the situation in the camps...No reaction...
Best regard
-----Original Message-----
From: Miriam Taylor
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 4:48 PM
To: cornel fleming
Cc: hedbren_at_zahav.net.il ; Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] An infamous Czernowitzer
You are certainly right about the American State Dept.
On Feb 25, 2013, at 5:11 AM, cornel fleming wrote:
> Mimi...by the 1943 part of the war none were short of planes...they were
> short of what in Czernowitz was called "Rachmunes" and in modern Ivrit
> rachmanut....plus State Dept anti-Semitism was a factor. Cornel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Miriam Taylor [mailto:mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu]
> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 3:45 AM
> To: hedbren_at_zahav.net.il
> Cc: cornel fleming; Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] An infamous Czernowitzer
> At the time of WW2 American Jews were not in a position
> to help European Jews. There was Anti-Semitism and
> discrimination against Jews by both elected officials as well
> as the advisors in the state department.
> It is also worth remembering that all the allies; Britain, France,
> the US, USSR, Canada, etc. were not prepared for the war,
> they were short of planes, ammunition, fuel and everything else.
> They may not have bombed the trains to Auschwitz, because
> they truly believed that bombing other targets would help them
> win the war.
> Mimi
> On Feb 24, 2013, at 3:10 PM, <hedbren_at_zahav.net.il> wrote:
>> Hi Cornel,
>> About this question I discussed with my late husband when the train
>> from Auschwitz to Odessa stopped in Czernowitz, they had no more coal
>> for the engine...So for 3 weeks the surwiver of the death camp were
>> hosted in the empty hospital for incurables(Piarne) the ills were
>> deported to death by the Roumanian.in Transnistria. and par chance
>> I met 4 of these Jewish women from Holland, one was the friend of
>> Otto, Anne Frank's father. I invited them to stay with us, 3 of
>> them lived in our appartment 3 weeks and so we learned for the
>> first time the truth about Auschwitz..They also asked us this
>> crucial question...Why the American Jews did nothing for us...
>> Hedwig
>> -----Original Message----- From: cornel fleming
>> Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 6:03 PM
>> To: 'Christian Herrmann' ; 'Czernowitz Mailing-Liste'
>> Subject: RE: [Cz-L] An infamous Czernowitzer
>> The basic fact is that the Allied politicians at first did not
>> believe the reports coming out of occupied Europe. But a major
>> question does remain to be answered...once they started
>> understanding what was going on,why did nobody order simple things
>> like bombing the railway line into Auschwitz,like sending Fighter-
>> Bombers to attack the watchtowers etc etc.....as the British sent a
>> squadron of Mosquitos to blow the walls of a French prison to allow
>> French Resistance prisoners to escape????? Cornel
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: bounce-75421697-8441035_at_list.cornell.edu
>> [mailto:bounce-75421697-8441035_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of
>> Christian Herrmann
>> Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 9:49 AM
>> To: Czernowitz Mailing-Liste
>> Subject: [Cz-L] An infamous Czernowitzer
>> Dear all,
>> Yosef Eshet and I had a nice private exchange of mails speculating
>> a bit on the origin of the family name Ginzburg. I checked the
>> German Wikipedia and stumbled over an entry on J. G. Burg, born in
>> 1908 as Josef Ginsburg in Czernowitz. Ginsburg was deported in 1941
>> to Transnistria. After the war he moved to Munich where his wife
>> opened a kosher restaurant. In 1949 the Ginsburg family settled
>> down in Israel but returned to Munich in 1950.
>> Ginsburg was a listener in the Nuremberg Trials and came to the
>> conclusion that there was complicity of the Western Allies and the
>> Zionist movement that enabled the Holocaust. Since the early 60s
>> Ginsburg published anti-Zionist pamphlets in magazines of the
>> German neo-Nazi movement and appeared as a defense witness in
>> trials against war criminals and holocaust deniers. Untill today
>> his writings are praised by right-wing extremists and give them a
>> chance to blame others for the holocaust. Most of Ginsburg's books
>> were confiscated by the police but still circulate as vintage copies.
>> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._G._Burg
>> Does it teach something about Czernowitz? I don't think so. We knew
>> before that Czernowitz was not Camelot - to quote a list member -
>> and not every Czernowitzer was a saint. Does it teach something
>> about the human nature? No, we already knew there is a wide range
>> of misguided characters in the world.
>> Christian
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