RE: [Cz-L] Bricha

From: Abraham Kogan <>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 18:43:03 +0200
To: "'cornel fleming'" <>, <>
Reply-To: Abraham Kogan <>

  Dear Cornel and friends,

The story of the "Bricha" is not so simple, as you think. I was active
there in 1946, while my parents lived in Oradea Mare (Grosswardein), not far
away from the border between Romania and Hungary. The border was quite
closed but people managed somehow to get through. It was organized by the
Aliyah Bet institution "Hamossad Lealiyah Bet), jointly operated by members
of the Haganah and Palyam. They were active all over Europe looking for Jews
interested to emigrate to Palestine, smuggled them across countries and
borders and bring them to small ships scattered along the coasts of Italy or
Yugoslavia. Some of those so-called illegal ships managed to get to
Palestine, in some cases they were caught by the British navy and brought to

Abraham K.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of cornel
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 3:27 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] Bricha

Hi all! The discussion re the Bricha (means escape), and knowing that my
uncle Erich Neuberger was deeply involved ,got me to look it up on
Wikipedia.Says there that some Polish guys decided that there was no future
there(late 44 early 45).They formed a "guild" to cover their
activities...and sent a group to Czernowitz to seek out escape routes!!! So
now I know...Czernowitzers were involved,as uasual!!!! Cornel

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