Hi, Sylvie ,
I hope very much to see the film in Israel , even in Haifa.
I've missed it at the Jerusalem Film Festival last year
This "short cut" is about Czernowitz:
And this one - in Bucharest:
Thanks for the links.
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-75422035-3499296_at_list.cornell.edu
[mailto:bounce-75422035-3499296_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Sylvie Gsell
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 5:16 PM
To: Edgar Hauster
Cc: Czernowitz Discussion Group
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] New Books - The Czernowitz Mythos Persists
I saw this morning a wonderful film: "Das kind " by Yonathan Levy and André
Miko, about Irma Miko, a wonderful woman born in Czernowitz .
"The portrait of a woman, exemplary in all she's done, of breathtaking
strength and vitality.
Irma Miko , born in 1914 in Czernowitz within the Austro-Hungarian Empire
had the promise of a brilliant career as a concert pianist. She chose,
however, to join the Communist cause and became a militant during the 1930s
in Bucharest where she trained as an underground resistance fighter.
At the very moment that Romania veered towards nationalism and
anti-semitism, Irma finds herself in Paris and engages in the foreign
Resistance movement. She is entrusted with a high-risk mission: to enlist
soldiers of the Wehrmacht into the Resistance...
More than sixty years after these events, Irma, accompanied by her son,
André, undertakes a highly personal journey across Europe in search of that
past for which she remains the last remaining witness.
Sylvie Reicher Gsell
172 rue Legendre
75017 Paris
00 33 1 77 12 38 05
00 33 6 09 98 52 70
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