Dear Ruth,
My mother's cousin, Ada Krasner from Bricheni, aged 9, was wounded by a
drunken German soldier and was left in the snow to die while her parents,
Golda and Moshe Krasner were ordered to stay in a column to continue their
death march in winter of 1942.
My great grandmother, Rebecca Segal from Mihaileni/Dorohoi, perished on the
way to Luchinetz.
My mother's 2 uncles perished with their families ( 7 people from the
Kerzman family, born in Bricheni), killed on the territory of
Ukraine/Transnistria that fell under German control. The circumstances of
their final moments unknown.
Another uncle, Chaim Lerner, died on the way to Transnistria in October
My mother, Ada Kraft, was deported to Transnistria from Czenowitz with her
family in October 1941. Her brother, Zeida, was taken to a labour camp at
Trihatka but managed to escape. They were liberated in 1944 by the Russians
from the ghetto Luchinetz; all have survived.
In my mother's words (she was 14 years old at that time): "as soon as we
were put on the train, people started to die like flies".
Serah Kraft
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sally Bendersky" <>
To: "RUTH GOLD" <>; "czernowitz-L"
Cc: <>; "RUTH GOLD" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] The Reading of the Names - Yom Hashoa
> Dear Ruth,
> My grandmother, Sally Schachner, from mother's side, perished on the way
> to Bershad, probably from typhus, hunger and cold. My mother, Clara
> Schachner, stayed on her own in Transnistria.
> Thank you for gathering these names.
> All the best,
> Sally Bendersky
> Chile
> -----Mensaje original-----
> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 9:14 PM
> To: czernowitz-L
> Subject: [Cz-L] The Reading of the Names - Yom Hashoa
> Czernowitzers:
> Last week Mr Gregory Wallance gave a presentation of his book
> “America’s Soul in the Balance” at the Tolerance Museum in NY.
> Most of you already know that the book deals with the Blocked rescue of
> 70,000 deportees from Trannistria.
> Apparently, the people at the Museum were touched by the Transnistria
> tragedy, and as a result they want to do something special on Yom
> Hashoa.
> Mr. Wallance referred them to me. I already contacted Yad Vashem and am
> gathering names from my friends and acquaintances.
> It occurred to me that many List members would be able to send me the
> names of their relatives, who perished in Trannistria; therefore this
> post.
> See attached mail below:
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> From: Melissa Hooper <>
> To: "" <>
> Sent: Mon, February 25, 2013 3:19:01 PM
> Subject: reading of the names
> Hi Ruth,
> How are you? I got your number from Greg Wallance. As he mentioned to
> you, we are doing a reading of the names for Holocaust Remembrance
> Day and we would like to read the names of Romanian Jews since they do
> not seem to get a lot of attention, based on the book Greg presented.
> I need to start reaching out to get readers this week though. Do you
> think you will be able to get me names in time for the event on April
> 7th? I can gather readers first. How many names do you think you can
> get?
> Thank you,
> Melissa
> Melissa Hooper
> Manager of Public Events and Programs
> Simon Wiesenthal Center
> Museum of Tolerance New York
> 226 East 42nd Street
> New York, NY 10017
> 212-697-1180 x102
> 212-697-1314 fax
> -----------------
> Please email me as soon as possible, the names of your Romanian Jewish
> relatives that perished in Transnistria so that their names can be read
> on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
> Ruth Glasberg Gold
> 20191 E Country Club Dr, #1802
> Aventura, FL 33180 USA
> email: glasgold_at_bellsouth net
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