your father probably was a member of one of the Czernowitz
landsmanshaften in New York. Those were fraternal organizations with
different missions, here is the full list for NY:
First Czernowitz Bucovinaer Sick Benefit Society 1891 219 Czernowitz
Erster Czernowitz Bucovinaer Kranken Unterstutzings Verein 1891 219 Czernowitz
First Czernowitz Bucowinaer Veteranen Aid Association 1905 1087 Czernowitz
First Czernowitz American Congregation Our Ohlam Anshei Bucovina 1908
1411 Czernowitz
Chernovitz-Podolier Aid Association 1912 2725 Czernowitz
First Rabbi Weiss Sick Benevolent Society of Czernowitz, Buckowiner
1913 3461 Czernowitz
Czernovicer Young Men's and Ladies Social Club 1919 2996 Czernowitz
First Progressive Czernowitzer Bucowina Society 1920 6679 Czernowitz
First Czernowitz American Congregation Our Ohlam Anshei Bucovina 1920
7750 Czernowitz
Chevra Chaside Sadigerra Tiferas Israel Meriden 1893 172 Sadagura
First Sadogoorer Sick Benevolent Society 1905 1177 Sadagura
Independent Sadagorer-Bukovinaer Benevolent Association 1907 1951 Sadagura
Chevra Mishnaioth Chasidy Sadagura 1908 780 Sadagura
First Waszkoutzer Bukowiner Sick and Benevolent Society 1911 3581 Waszkoutz
Bucovina Workingmens Aid Society 1896 292 Bucovina
Congregation Zemach Zadik Anschei Hasidei Wishnitza of Bucovina,
Hungaria and Galitzia 1898 1226 Bucovina
Federation of Galician and Bucovinaen Jews in America 1905 1093 Bucovina
Congregation Men of Galicia and Bukowina 1906 697 Bucovina
First Bukowinaer Young Mens Benevolent Association 1907 1422 Bucovina
Independent Bukovinaer Young Mens and Young Ladies Benevolent Society
1907 1925 Bucovina
Congregation of Beauty, Religious People of Wishnitz, Bucowina,
Galicia and Hungary 1908 881 Bucovina
Congregation Somach Zedek Anshe Chasidei Wishnitza of Bukavina,
Hungary and Galicia 1908 4671 Bucovina
Har Moriah Hospital of the Galician and Bucovinaen Federation 1909 2057 Bucovina
Young Bukoviner Aid Society 1910 5254 Bucovina
Congregation Beth Israel Anshe Galicia V'Bukowina 1911 3261 Bucovina
First Bukowiner Congregation Tiferes Israel 1917 6448 Bucovina
Bukovina Free Loan Society 1919 2616 Bucovina
Herzogthum Bukowinaer Sick and Benevolent Society 1919 4025 Bucovina
First Kotzmaner Bukowiner Sick and Benevolent Society 1910 1662 Kotzman
First Radautzer Brotherhood Sick and Benevolent Society 1897 441 Radautz
Erster Radautzer Bucowinaer Unterstuetzungs Verein 1901 507 Radautz
Independent Radautz-Bukowinaer Benevolent Association 1917 6334 Radautz
(first number is the year of incorporation, second - the record number)
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 11:57 AM, <> wrote:
> To All:
> My father, Charles Steinhauser was a member of a New York City lodge
> called Czernowitz-Bukovina during the 1930s, 1940s and possibly later. But I'm
> pretty sure it wasn't a Masonic Lodge because Dad, who had emigrated with
> his family to New York from Cz. as a child, was also a member of the John
> Hancock Masonic Lodge around the same period.
> Was it common to have Czernowitz-Bukovina lodges in different areas of the
> world?
> Maybe those members were homesick.
> Iris
> Iris June Steinhauser Vinegar
> Raleigh, North Carolina
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