[Cz-L] Dr A Guttmann, pharmacist

From: David Glynn <glynn_at_spontini.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 08:37:12 -0000
Reply-To: "David Glynn" <glynn_at_spontini.co.uk>
To: "czernowitz-l" <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>

Edgar, in your photo of the Freemason's Lodge of Czernowitz, you mention
that among those pictured is "Pharmacist, Dr. Abraham Guttman (top row, far
right)". Dr Guttmann's pharmacy was called "La Tei". It was located at
Dreifaltigkeitsgasse 37a. My uncle Leander Grunberg trained as a
pharmacist, and worked for Dr Guttmann for two years from September 1929.
He would have been aged 18 to 20. I have a certificate, covered in
beautiful Romanian stamps, which is also translated into German and states:

Beglaubigte Uebersetzung

Apotheke "La Tei" Dreifaltigkeitsgasse No. 37a ... Bestatigung

Ich Unterfertigter Apotheker Dr. A. Guttmann, Eigentumer der Apotheke "La
Tei" Czernowitz, Dreifaltigkeitsgasse 37a, bestatige, dass Herr Leander
Grunberg am 1. September 1929 in meine Apotheke als Praktikant eingetreten
ist, wo er bis zum 1. September 1931 verblieb. Wahrend dieser Zeit hat der
genannte Praktikant alle fur den Pharmazeutischen Beruf notigen Disziplinen
erlernt. Urkunde dessen ich diese Bestatigung ausgefolgt habe.

Czernowitz, am 1. September 1931. Dr. Guttmann /m.p./ Apotheker, L.S.
Sanitatsdienst des Munizipiums Czernowitz, Abteilung III, Dr. Neuberger
/m.p./, L.S.

Best regards,


Hedwig, you remember I showed you Leander's picture, and you remembered that
he asked you to dance... !

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