RE: [Cz-L] Childhood in Czernowitz , Hermann Hesse

From: cornel fleming <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 18:25:28 -0000
To: "'Bianca Rosenthal'" <>, "'Miriam Taylor'" <>, "'Cz-L'" <>
Reply-To: "cornel fleming" <>

In answer to the question of what I most remember of childhood in grandmother and mother making their version of Kaiserschmarrn and/or Banush (the Czernowitz version of mamaliga), and 2ndly lying flat on my stomach on our balcony watching 2 Germans frantically getting a vehicle(??VW-type) going and roaring off up the Liliengasse..followed a few seconds later by a Russian tank .. followed by my mother dragging me inside and expressing her view of what I thought I was doing!!! Cornel

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Bianca Rosenthal
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 4:47 PM
To: Miriam Taylor; Cz-L
Cc: Shula Klinger; Czernowitz Genealogy and History; HARDY BREIER
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Childhood in Czernowitz , Hermann Hesse

 Ninon Ausländer married and divorced a Cz lawyer named Dolbin.
 In 1926, she went to Switzerland, lived with Hermann Hesse until they
 married in 1931.Her older sister Lilly, after divorcing the Romanian
 politician Radaceanu, married the Cz lawyer Heinz Kehlmann. They came
 to Switzerland in 1948, were allowed to stay only one year and
 ultimately made it to the US.
 Talking about being "besotted" with Hesse, it was California during the "Hippie"
 era that was besotted with Hesse. His books, especially "Steppenwolf"
 generated several hundert students.

            Bianca Rosenthal

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