[Cz-L] Kukuruz

Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 07:27:02 +0200
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>

As the Russians came back we escaped Rumanian antisemitism,
 but good old Russian antisemitism was back.
  How do Russians discern a Jew ?
   Let him pronounce " Kukuruz " ( Corn )
    The Jews could never
     pronounce it like the Russians did.
    Our "r" came out like a "Kh" ,
     Another test sentence was : "Na gore Ararat rostyt krupny vinograd"
    But Kukuruz was shorter and did the job.
      There were jewish Heroes of Soviet Union medalist.
     The highest Soviet decoration.
     One russian asked mockingly:
 " Where have you bought this medal , in Tashkent ?"
      Tashkent was a Uzbek refuge far from the front,
      The jewish two medal bearer drew his pistol and shot the man.
       Ghosts from the past.

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