Re: [Cz-L] Childhood in Czernowitz

From: <>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 16:28:53 -0500
To: <>
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Plain Text please --thanks]

Yes Mimi, but that atmosphere was probably created and stimulated by the
instructors, although it certainly didn't hurt if you were fortunate to come
from a home where frequent family discussions on subjects such as
politics, science, and the arts were the norm.

In a message dated 3/6/2013 10:30:20 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Both of you; Iris and Jerry/Yosef are right.
I have the school certificates of my father and the list of subjects
they were taught in high-school is amazing. But it was more than that;
there must have been an atmosphere in which people wanted to learn,
were interested in what was considered "Kultur" and were open
to the wider world.


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