Oh Hedwig I can't wait to tell my mother this story. Are you sure
she's still alive. My mother would be so interested to speak with her.
I have wanted to speak with her about a letter my grandfather smuggled
out of Siberia to her address and she delivered it to my mother who
had been told he died. So many stories! My mother was in touch with
her in Munich but then lost touch. The other part of the story is that
Berti was my mother's first love. They were together through the war
until he was sent to a labor camp (I think that's right). I'll have to
ask Mom all about it. But she was so beautiful! I have many pictures
of the two of them that are also in the photographs that I scanned.
Thank you for sharing that story.
Best to you,
If you have any other information please let me know.
On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 5:09 PM, <hedbren_at_zahav.net.il> wrote:
> Hi Ilana, I knew Erika Gottlieb in the years 1940/44, when I lived in the
> apartment at my mother in low, Maria-Theresiengasse 11 A..Opposite our house
> lived the Gottlieb family and I admired the beautiful girl..in the second
> "Russian year" my husband worked in the sugar factory Zuczka and one day he
> came home , saying..You would not believe, this nice girl we admired from
> our balcony is named Erika and is working as secretary of the Director
> Gorba. and we became friends...I did not know, when she left
> Czernowitz...Ten years ago I was invited to Mizzi and Lazi Gad(Gutherz), she
> will present me Lucca and Berti...He told me that he stayed in the
> Maria-Theresien-gasse 8....You are the brother of Erika, I asked...and so we
> became friends with Lucca and Berti...She is living in Muenchen, is widow,
> has 2 daughters, who are in Israel...And one day, may be 6 or 7 years ago, I
> had a call from Lucca...and she told me what happened with Berti...
> Yes, life is not a pick-nick
> Regards Hedwig
> -----Original Message----- From: Ilana Gordon
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