Re: [Cz-L] Childhood in Czernowitz

Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 15:10:28 +0200
To: "Jacob Greenberg" <>, "Anna Kofner" <>

 Picture with teacher Oelgiesser,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jacob Greenberg" <>
To: "Anna Kofner" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2013 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Childhood in Czernowitz

> Wow, what a surprise! Now I know who you are.
> If I remember it right, you left Haifa for Chicago. Are you still there? I
> was so sorry to hear about your loss.You husband was such a talented
> mathematician.
> After my husband graduated from Technion we moved to Tel Aviv, then to
> Australia in 1989.
> Who was your piano teacher in Cz? I met my piano teacher, Joseph Elgisser
> in 2006 when I was in Cz. He was still teaching at that time and he even
> received a prize from UNESCO.
> I left teaching 10 years ago and became a social worker and a group
> therapist.
> Do you see our friends from Seminar Gordon?
> Serah
> Please tell me
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Anna Kofner" <>
> To: "Jacob Greenberg" <>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Friday, March 08, 2013 5:55 AM
> Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Childhood in Czernowitz
> Dear Serah (Silva?)
> How could I forget the Music College, my Alma Mater. The reason i did not
> mentioned it was that at that time it was a part of of the middle college
> professional system and was called Uchilishche.
> One did not need to have a high school diploma to apply and high school
> general curriculum was combined with music and pedagogy classes. Upon
> successful completion of four years one became a Music teacher. Those who
> applied with a high school diploma attended only music classes.
> It was an a equivalent of USA Junior (2 year college) or an European
> baccalaureate program.
> The teachers were excellent and the ethnicrestriction was less suffocating
> for obvious reasons - you had to play instruments and (in my time) the
> director was a musician's musician and tried to get as many talented
> teacher and students without loosing his job.
> While talking last week to my piano teacher, who taught in Czernowitz and
> in Lviv, I was surprised to learn that Uchilishche in Czernowitz was
> actually much stronger than in Lviv.
> Anyway,on a different note,I think I figured out who you are. If you don't
> remember me, ask Yasha if he remembers my last name and/or my late
> husband.
> 37 years is a long time.
> Best regards
> Channa

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