Re: [Cz-L] Kukurutz

From: Bruce Reisch <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 19:04:59 +0000
Reply-To: Bruce Reisch <>

Like in German, corn is also known as "Maize" in English. Originating in
Mexico, and found to be widespread in North America by Christopher
Columbus and other explorers that followed, corn must have been introduced
into Europe in the late 1400s/early 1500s. See

Images (festoons) of corn appeared in Europe in 1515 and thereafter,
according to an article written by my fellow Jewish horticulturist, Jules
Janick, of Purdue U., Indiana. See:

So, though the origins are in North America, corn may have been grown
since the 1500s in Czernowitz and surrounding areas, but when the word
Kukurutz was coined in a Slavic language I do not know.


On 3/8/13 10:26, "Miriam Taylor" <> wrote:

>I think that this word for corn was coined in some slavic language
>speaking country,
>precisely because it sounds like the crow of a rooster or the
>clucking of a hen.
>The merchants who wanted to sell it as chicken feed, simply found a
>good name for
>this newly introduced grain.
>In Czernowitz we did call it "Kukurutz", but the correct word in
>German is "Mais".

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