Unfortunately, Elgisser doesn't live in Czernowitz anymore. He suffered a hip fracture and his daughter, who lives in Moscow, moved him there so she can take care of him.
Hi was a great accompanist and was very proud of the fact that occasionally the strings snapped when he played. BTW, he was also a talented surgeon. He was trying to do both for a while, but then decided to stick with music. I was in his concertmasters class. He taught me how to sight-read music like nobody else (came handy later in life).
My piano teacher was Agroskina, who moved back to Lviv before my last year and that's how I became Elgisser's graduate.
Agroskina lives now in Israel. All the musician from Czernowitz are keeping in touch. They had a big reunion in 2008. The pictures are on "odnoclassnik"
I did recognize the Talal sisters and the Ostrovskys. Arthur Volloch likes to organize the get together.
Iosif, the program mentioned the poet Meir Kharaz, who was a friend of my mother during the 30s in Czernowitz.
I don't remember all the details, could be they also were in Bucharest later on. My parents came back in 1940. I do remember that he was in prison when I was a child and his wife worked in the theater selling sandwiches. He came back after 1953.
Dear Serah/Silva
This is a small world. good to know you are well and did not lose your spunk.
Glad to hear you still have your mother.
We never were in Chicago.
Jacob did his post-doc in Lubbock (Texas Tech) and by the time we joined him he secured a position with George Mason University,outside of Washington DC. That's were I am now, only now I live on the Maryland side.
The rest I will write to you directly.
Shabbat Shalom
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