Re: [Cz-L] Seliatyn Jewish Cemetery

From: Jacob Greenberg <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 20:53:09 +1100
To: Edgar Hauster <>
Reply-To: Jacob Greenberg <>

I was born in Putila where my mother was posted as a young doctor to help
fight the epidemic of tuberculosis in the 1950s.

A very picturesque village surraounded by Carpathian mountains.. At that
time the roads were bad and quite dangerous.

Now they've got a new road which is much safer.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Edgar Hauster" <>
To: "Czernowitz Discussion Group" <>
Cc: "Eliezer Schaffer" <>
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 4:48 AM
Subject: [Cz-L] Seliatyn Jewish Cemetery


Eliezer Schaffer from Haifa reports on the Seliatyn Jewish Cemetery, Putyla
district, Czernowitz region, which he visited in fall 2012. A small
cemetery, most of the headstones fallen and/or overgrown, others vandalized.
However, Elizer succeeded to descipher the following inscriptions:

Joel Schlomiuk
Schloime Sussmann
Dawid Reichmann
Hillel Margulies
Rifka Meer
Ruchel Ernst
Kreinzie Sch*ffe*
Perl Hasenfratz (in Hebrew),
Pepie Gluck
Chaie Dina Goldschmiedt
Reese Zeiger
Klara Beaer
Perl Scharf
Edel Resie Weiner
Salamon Schonblum
Frima Dauber
Leun Stein (in Hebrew Zalman Iehuda of Aharon)
Lasar Rosenzweig
Seide Sontag
Chaim Sontag
Hersch Minster (in Hebrew)
Mendel Pachter,
Seide Dornste** (in Hebrew Iakov Zvi of Zeev)
Dawid Gokdschmidt
Eisik Harnik
Selig Scheref
Simche Scharf
Iosef Schulmann

Most of the death cases are from the 1930s. In case you are discovering any
potential genealogical match, please address directly to Elizer and he'll be
pleased to assist.

Thank you, Elizer, for your dedication and good "hunting" for our group
members with Seliatyn roots!

Edgar Hauster • MacBook
Lent • The Netherlands
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